
  • 总理纱线需要提高其拣选,包装和运输操作的速度和准确性. 卡罗莱纳处理的综合解决方案已帮助翻倍每日采摘和显著提高履行时间的制造商和经销商的手工编织纱线.


  • 人:













    集成自动化系统,具有地面和高架输送机, spiral turn and mobile robotics.




    每日采收翻倍. Reduced fulfillment cycle.

  • 包装和装运操作以前是在仓库后面的一个角落里一起进行的.



  • 轨迹移动机器人将命令发送到感应处,并在那里进行检查, packed and labeled at new packing stations, 然后放在传送带上等待发货.

    轨迹移动机器人将命令发送到感应处,并在那里进行检查, packed and labeled at new packing stations, 然后放在传送带上等待发货.


  • 电机驱动的滚轮(MDR)螺旋旋转将包裹提升到头顶的传送带上,然后将它们送到运输处.



  • 移动机器人的拣货速度翻了一番,达到每天1000个订单.



  • 附着在移动机器人上的屏幕可以识别拣货地点和要拣的数量.



  • Monitors show real-time locations of picks.

    Monitors show real-time locations of picks.


  • 通过点击提交,您同意加入卡罗莱纳处理的电子邮件列表.


    针织, 在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间,哈里斯堡Premier®Yarns等公司的绗缝和其他工艺品经历了复兴, 北卡罗莱纳, 当那些在家里被隔离的人转向一种19世纪中期的消遣方式来打发时间时,销量飙升. 

    北美领先的手工编织纱线制造商和分销商, Premier于2005年作为大众市场分销商开业, 向沃尔玛(Walmart)等零售连锁店出售五颜六色的麻花, 爱好游说, 乔安和迈克尔的, 有一家姐妹公司, 普遍的纱线, 卖给更小的人, 独立的零售商.

    The company launched a website in 2008 and, in 2010, 建立面向终端用户的网上销售电子商务平台. 大流行之前, 在线销售从平均每天5个订单缓慢增长到大约20个订单. 但当新冠病毒迫使乔安和迈克尔等零售商关闭时, 总理的在线订单立即增加到每天400-500个.

    “在2022年的黑色星期五,我们收到了大量订单.总理纱线公司总裁哈尔·奥兹贝利说. “联邦快递每天来三次取货, 我们经常用完盒子和胶带之类的用品.”

    As orders continued to pour in, 顶级业主知道,他们需要一种替代大部分手工流程的方法.

    “我们需要快速准确地挑选,”总理总经理Yonca Ozbelli说. “我们考虑过外包给第三方物流公司, but quality control is a main issue for us.”


    “在我们访问了一些目前正在使用这些系统的公司之后,这是一个显而易见的问题. 我们找到了合适的合作伙伴和团队,”哈尔·奥兹贝利说.


    Premier’s primary goal was finding a solution that would improve the speed and accuracy of its pick, pack 船舶操作. 与在线 orders continuing to grow post Covid, fulfillment rates of 10 or more business days needed to be reduced to a 2- to 为期3天的周转.

    Additionally, the company needed a system that would work within its existing 60,000-square-foot facility and an installation that would not disrupt operations that already were strained.


    “When we first came in, we noticed that all of their processes were very manual,” said beta365 Systems Engineer 雅各布·巴雷特. “At Premier, you’ve got to pick, pack and ship, and there wasn’t one solution for all of those, so we looked at ways to add both mobile robotics, as well as 输送机 and sortation solutions 他们现在的流程.”

  • 设计工程师利用总理纱线仓库中间未充分利用的地板空间,在两侧安装了带包装站的传送带.

    之前: 设计工程师利用总理纱线仓库中间未充分利用的地板空间,在两侧安装了带包装站的传送带.

  • 集成解决方案

    Taking advantage of underutilized floor space at ground level and high warehouse ceilings, beta365’s Intralogistics Solutions Group first 安装了一个 输送机 充当… highway for delivering picked orders from packing stations at the center of the warehouse to shipping stations near the 设施后面..

    With the new system, 12 mobile Locus robots deliver picked orders to an induction area where they are placed onto a top 输送机 and delivered to packing stations on each side.

    Once orders are checked, packed and labeled, corrugated cartons and plastic totes are placed on a bottom 输送机, 通过马达驱动的滚轮(MDR)螺旋旋转来提升它们,然后呢 moves them vertically across the warehouse via a ceiling-hung 输送机. The 输送机 declines to the shipping area where packages are offloaded, metered and sorted by shipping method.

    Conveyors are equipped with rollers that are sensor activated when a carton or 手提包的方法. As products pass, rollers turn off until another package is detected, keeping noise levels low and energy 效率高.

  • 一种新的传送带将订单从包装站送到MDR螺旋转弯处,然后将它们提升到架空传送带上,并将它们穿过仓库送到运输处.

    后: 一种新的传送带将订单从包装站送到MDR螺旋转弯处,然后将它们提升到架空传送带上,并将它们穿过仓库送到运输处.


    总理纱线 already has seen a return on investment, doubling its daily shipments to an average of 1,000 per day, according to Warehouse Manager 玛莎桑德斯.

    “Our daily picks have doubled, and we’ve gone from a huge window time frame of shipping our orders–5 to 10 business days down to 2 to 3 business days. “我们已经看到 that transition happen pretty quickly,” 桑德斯说.

    Pick accuracy has also improved, along with employee satisfaction.

    “It helps with mispicks because our robots distinguish which items to put in the totes,” 桑德斯说. “这也很多 less physical because our pickers are assigned to designated aisles, and they 现在免提了. 他们没有推动 around carts; so with the flow, they’re able to replenish, work and clean the aisles as they’re going without anything 以他们的方式.”

    The automated system also assists with replenishing and planning, 桑德斯说.

    “We’re able to assess our open picks from the TV screens (at right) provided to us by Locus, so we’re able to see where all our line picks are daily–how many robots are in those areas, how many quick picks (five lines or less) we have,” 桑德斯说. “If 我们看到有很多选择在一个特定的 area, we know we need to focus on those aisles and make sure they’re staying replenished and always have stock so our 机器人会走.”

  • 成长空间

    快速和准确的履行订单给总理纱线一个新的灵活性 run promotions and release new products.

    “我们不再受发布新产品以及如何发布新产品的时间限制 阻碍了我们的采摘时间,或者增加了团队的负担,”Yonca Ozbelli说.


    “因为我们的业务增长是因为我们为客户提供了更好、更快的beta365, 我们看到订单越来越多,所以我们保留了所有的员工 甚至增加更多的团队成员来帮助我们的成长和补充我们的 product on a daily basis,” Hal Ozbelli said.

    “我希望从Locus那里得到更多的机器人,我希望再增加一条生产线。 传送带,我们可以分开的方式发送订单. 我们在找一个 robust 2024 for our company.”

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